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CZECH TALK: Ranní kafe v Brně 5. 11. 2022


Přijď na ranní kafe v Brně a k tomu mluv česky 🇨🇿. Můžeš taky poznat nové kamarády 😍
⭐ Kdy? V sobotu 5. 11. 2022 od 10:30
⭐ Kde? kancelář slowczech (Cejl 25, Brno)
⭐ S kým? S Eliškou, s Petrou a s Jindrou (lektorkou dětí “slowczech kids“) a s fanoušky a studenty slowczech
☕ Organizační vstupní poplatek 60 CZK na osobu

☕ Jméno CZECH TALK teď uvidíš častěji. A vždycky, když ho uvidíš, budeš vědět, že to je od slowczech.

☕ Proč CZECH TALK? Protože mluvíme česky… překvapivě. Ale hlavně proto, že to není lekce, není to nic oficiálního, nic nepotřebuješ… Prostě přijdeš, potkáš nové lidi, mluvíš. A pak přijdeš zase, když se ti tam bude líbit.

☕ Jediná věc, co potřebuješ, je zaplatit vstupné 60 CZK – na organizaci a marketing.

🍰 A na tento event můžeš taky přinést nějaký koláč nebo sušenky. Prostě co máš rád/a ráno a co chceš dát ochutnat ostatním nebo co bys rád/a měl/a k snídani – džus,…

Kancelář Slowczech není veřejná kavárna.
Těšíme se na tebe!
Eliška, Petra a Jindra & slowczech team
— nepotřebuješ rezervaci, prostě přijď —
Nepotřebuješ mluvit plynně ani mít vysokou úroveň. Nemusíš také být studentem či klientem slowczech. Každý může přijít.

Tento event na Facebooku.

EN: Hi there!

Join us for a Morning coffee in Brno while speaking Czech 🇨🇿 and meeting new friends 😍

⭐  When? Saturday, 5 November 2022, start at 10:30
⭐  Where? In slowczech office (Cejl 25, Brno)
⭐  With whom? With Eliška, Petra and Jindra (slowczech kids tutor) and with fans and students of slowczech
Entrance fee 60 CZK per person
☕ From now, you can get used to seeing the event name “CZECH TALK”. And everytime you will see it, you will know that slowczech is the organizer.

☕ Why CZECH TALK? Because… we speak Czech. What a suprise 🙂 But mostly because this event is not a lesson, nothing specified, nothing planned with details, you don’t need anything. Just come, meet new people, speak. And then, you can come again 🙂

☕  The only thing you need is to pay the entrance fee 60 CZK (organisation, marketing, coffee, tea).

🍰 … and! You can bring some cookies or home cooked cake or koláč on this event. Or anything you like and want to share with others or you would like to have for breakfast – cookies, juice,…

Slowczech office is not a public coffee shop.
Těšíme se na tebe!
Eliška, Petra a Jindra & slowczech team
No need to have a perfect level, no need to be a slowczech student, anyone can join.
— no reservation needed, just come —

This event is also on Facebook.


  1. User Avatar

    Ahoj Eližko, libi se mi tvoje videa. Bydlim ve Vidni, tak behužel nemužu přijit do tvoje kanzelař.
    Je možna to sledit v Internet?
    Mej se hezky,

  2. User Avatar

    Ahoj Nora, bohužel toto je offline event. Možná uděláme v budoucnosti i online event. Teď se jedině můžeš přidat do online skupiny, která začíná v listopadu.

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Arabic culture, nature, family

I’m Daniela or Danča. I enjoy working with adults from different cultural backgrounds. To me, Czech is like a beautiful forest that we explore together. Let’s play games, discover new strategies, and share our hobbies in class. I love traveling, swimming, reading, watching films, and singing in a vocal band.


Plants, books, Spain

I am slowczech courses manager and a Prague-based Czech tutor. Let’s conquer language fears together! I know how to tailor our lessons and ask you about your goals. Is it chatting over beer, work emails, university studies, family connections? I adore languages, plants, sitcoms, books, documentaries, ping-pong, and nature trips.


Enthusiasm, minimalism, socializing

I’m Monika, or Monča, slowczech event & good mood manager. I love meaningful conversations and meeting new people. Languages and cultures are my passion.  I was living in France, England and Vietnam. As a Czech tutor, I focus on understanding your needs and creating a positive, supportive environment.


Wine, design, languages

I’m the slowczech tutor and e-shop manager living in Brno. Having lived in Spain and Russia, I love travelling – exploring new places brings me joy. I cherish the variety and surprises that life offers. Teaching allows me to embark on adventurous journeys with my students. Let’s discover the world together!


Travelling, new ideas, optimism

I’m creative content manager and tutor from Ostrava. As a tutor, translator, and course coordinator, I understand that every student is unique and requires a personalized approach. Whether you’re refining grammar or starting from scratch, I will help you. I incorporate real-life materials. Seeing your progress brings me joy!


Games, sarcasm, my cat

I’m Marie, your friendly tutor and slowczech network & lab manager. I love connecting with students, fostering love for learning, and indulging in some Czech language nerdiness. I’m a Prague native, and I also love getting out of the city to hike and explore. Podcasts, British comedy, DnD, and spending time with my cat!


Nature, meditation, children

I am technical coordinator of slowczech content and tutor for children. I have been working with children since ever and there is no better job! In lessons love using stories, games and pictures. We always laugh a lot. Besides teaching, I enjoy meditation and spending time outside.

Michaela slowczech teacher


Czech language, picnics, Prague

I’ve been teaching Czech since 2013, starting with native speakers and later focusing on Czech as a foreign language. It’s my calling to help you with this awesome language. In my classes, we play games, explore idioms and enjoy observing progress. Let’s talk books, movies, dogs, sun in our lessons!

Music, lgbtq+, religions

I’m Barbora, or Bára. Life is amazing with wonderful people, my husband and my child by my side. I’m lucky to have my dream job, helping people understand each other. I enjoy both learning and teaching. I love working on conversation skills and correct pronunciation. Share your stories with me!


Music, French, communication

I’m Ema (or Míša), and I fell in love with teaching Czech eight years ago. Learning a language is a journey and I am here to be your guide and help you to enjoy it. Together, we always set a destination (in a week/month/year) and create a detailed itinerary, so we don´t get lost on the way. I love travelling, hiking, yoga, music, and dancing. I have a little baby now. That’s why I also offer WhatsApp and Hybrid lessons.


Chinese, Asia, travelling

大家好!I am Lee, an experienced foreign language teacher. My background includes teaching students of all levels. I always listen to my students’ concerns, and I help them unlock their full potential. It really brings me joy to see my students make progress. Let’s get the ball rollin’! 加油加油

Petra L.

Czech culture, self-reflection, family

Since 2017, I’ve been teaching Czech to both groups and individuals. I tailor lessons to my students’ preferences, offering exam preparation or fun conversational classes. I believe that language connects us and fosters understanding. I’m also a certified teacher for children and have extensive experience working with kids.

Jak používat tuto stránku?

Díky, že ses přidala do slowczech network! Do balíčku předplatného jsme zabalili opravdu spoustu funkcí. Pojďme je společně prozkoumat.

Na této stránce najdeš:

  • přímý odkaz na server Discord pro lektory
  • odkazy na Discord pro přístup ke kalendáři workshopů
  • záznamy z předcházejících workshopů
  • odkazy na slevy u našich partnerů
  • tlačítka pro správu předplatného
  • naše podmínky služby

Věděla jsi, že ilustrace níže je Magion I, první československá družice?


Canada, ecology, introvert

I started teaching in 2013 as a volunteer in a Czech village in Ukraine. After teaching in Ukraine and Canada, I joined slowczech full-time. I focus on conversation lessons. I really enjoy getting to know my students! I’m passionate about protecting the environment and volunteer for ecological organizations.

Peťa S.

Walks, my family, languages

I’m one of the lucky ones whose hobby is their job. I’ve learned ten foreign languages so far, and I’m currently learning German. I understand the challenges of learning Czech, but the feeling of finally getting it is incredible. I love traveling, reading books and spending time outdoors.


Optimism, languages, relationships

I’m enthusiastic Czech tutor and Spanish interpreter. Tolerance, positive mind, joy and respect are priorities for me – in lessons and in life. I spent some time abroad and I also study languages, so I can understand your needs. I am fascinated by interpersonal relationships, human mind and wonders of nature.


Traditions, my daughter, meeting people

I’m Anna or rather Anička, and since 2019 I’ve been teaching Czech with a focus on interesting and entertaining methods. I prioritize conversations and dialogues to help students understand how the languages work. I aim to create a nurturing environment for you. Let’s start this wonderful language journey together!

Anna R.

Mexico, Czech language, new people

I´m freelance tutor since 2019 currently living in Mexico. I use mostly communication methods of teaching, which means we will talk a lot. I believe language lessons are not only about learning a new language, but it is a great opportunity to explore different culture, meet new people, make friends!


Nature, Russian, icecream

I am constantly looking for playful and unconventional ways of teaching. I understand the Russian soul and speak Russian myself at a native level. I can help Russian speakers avoid the pitfalls that come with the similarities between 2 languages. I am not afraid to sleep alone in the forest.


Premium content

The videos and podcasts from slowczech Lab complement the free version. You can find them in the respective posts, located in the red section, as shown in the image below.

illustration of how the czech material for premium members are displayed

How to use this page?

Thank you again for joining the slowczech Lab! We’ve packed as many features as we could into this subscription, so there’s a lot for you to explore.

On this page, you’ll find:

  • a direct link to the slowczech Lab’s Discord server
  • specific links on Discord to access the group lesson schedules
  • all the premium videos and podcasts, pre-filtered for your convenience
  • buttons to manage or cancel your subscription
  • our terms of use

Interesting tidbit: the illustration below depicts a “táborák”, a beloved tradition in Czechia. Friends and families gather around a campfire to relax, chat, grill buřty, and sip beer.

With slowczech, we aim to provide you with a similar atmosphere: a warm, welcoming space to meet fellow learners and practice your Czech in a no-pressure setting. Enjoy! :)

group lessons

You have the opportunity to enroll in 2 groups lessons per month.

The standard break down is between beginner and advanced students

The decision of the day and time of the lessons is based on a voting system held in Discord.

We will do our best to accomodate everyone! 


business, mother, polyglote

I am slowczech founder and from my experience I know two things: beginners can understand words with time. And enjoyable input is vital for natural language acquisition. Many give up Czech due to old methods, irrelevant vocabulary or overwhelming grammar. Let’s change that and make learning Czech exciting and effective.